Today we slept in and got lunch at a local cafe, and I was thrilled to find that they served white rice. I have a running list in my head of food that I miss terribly - rice, bok choi, avocados, smoothies, and salad are at the top of the list. It's really tricky to order at a restaurant and get what you want - things generally come a la carte and you have to be reeeeally specific sometimes. For example, I've learned that an "ensalada" in South America doesn't imply that you'll be getting lettuce. I ordered a mediterranean salad yesterday, which turned out to be tomatoes, chicken, tuna, a hard boiled egg, and a pile of onions. And the other day Molly ordered "grilled cheese," which was a plate of cheese that had been grilled. But I think that what Argentina (and occasionally Uruguay) lacks in salad and grilled cheese sandwiches it makes up for with fried bananas, delicious coffee, and the never ending parade of meat.

The weather was gorgeous today - it must have been at least 70 degrees, I still can't believe it's winter here. We spent a couple hours playing at the beach, got ice cream, wandered around an artisan fair, caught a beautiful sunset over el Río de la Plata, and took the boat back to Buenos Aires. The whole trip went off without a hitch, and it was a great way to bond with everyone else.
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